
National Championship Hochficht One-two Victory

Österreichische Meisterschaften Hochficht

From 14th to 15th January the Austrian Championship Races took place in Hochficht in Upper Austria. Racers from fourteen countries competed for the victory in a unique and wonderfully snowcovered winter area. It was awesome to ride the same slopes such as great riders like Daniela Ulbing, Sabine Schöffmann,  Julia Dujmovits, Ina Meschik,  Lukas Mathies, Sebastian Kislinger (Lipizzanerteam 🙂 ), Andreas Prommegger, Benjamin Karl.

My personal milestones of this weekend: one-two victory in parallel slalom and parallel giant slalom, FIS points, lots of fun, unique people, physical limit experiences and challenges, …

Österreichische Meisterschaften Hochficht